Rain Effects for FS2002
Version 1.0

The files included with this download will allow you to create rain effects on the ground for FS2002. I have also added a subtle effect of rain falling from the sky as an alternative to the default rain. This effect uses the smoke system for any given aircraft that it is installed into. Simply press the 'I' key when the aircraft has been loaded, wait a few seconds, and the rain should appear. Effects on frame rates will vary, so if your having problems, read the Troubleshooting section included with this download.

Installation and Short Tutorial:

1. Unzip this file to a temporary folder
2. Backup the effects.cfg file in your FS2002/effects folder.
3. Copy the Rain.fx and Effects.cfg files to your FS2002/effects folder.
4. Copy the two textures, Rain.bmp and Raindrop.bmp, to your FS2002/effects/texture folder
5. Insert the following lines into the aircraft.cfg file of the aircraft you are using

Smoke.0= 0, -40, 0, rain
Smoke.1= 0, 40, -40, rain
Smoke.2= 0, 40, 40, rain

..and Save

6. Start FS2002


To get a good idea of how this works, place the smoke system lines above into one of the default Cessna's aircraft.cfg files. Choose an overcast or mostly cloudy condition with the FS2002 weather engine. Let's say you are parked at the ramp, and ready to taxi to the runway. Press the 'I' key to initiate the 'smoke system' rain effects. Wait a few seconds and look up. You should see raindrops falling down from the sky. Next, look at the ground and you should see dark splashes of water if you are parked on concrete, and lighter splashes if you are on a dark runway. Go to spot view mode and position the view to look at the aircraft from above. You should see splashes of water on the ground. Now, taxi to the runway and as you move over the runway, you will see the splashes of water turn from dark to light (the effect is most dramatic over a black runway in spot view mode). After takeoff, press the 'I' key again to deactivate the rain effects.

This effect will work in any size aircraft (even a 747), but the effect is the best with the smaller planes. You can also activate the FS2002 rain in the weather menu if you want to add to the rain and get the drops on the windshield. This is also the only way to get the sound of rain (I'm going to look at that though).

For more information and troubleshooting, see the Troubleshoot and Developers Notes.txt file included with this download.

This upload is a small thank you to the many freeware developers whose time and money are spent trying to make this hobby better and better.

BRian NEeld

If you have any questions, comments, hints, tips, or ideas you would like to share, drop me an Email

This download is freeware AND may be used by any other FREEWARE designer who wishes to modify it, improve it, or include it with any other upload. FREEWARE designers NEED NOT get permission. In fact, I encourage any freeware designers to make this better and perhaps create an easier interface with FS2002. SHAREWARE or PAYWARE developers MUST get permission first.